Mount St
West Perth
Record negotiations with Main Roads for access. Record DA Approval with additional floor to realise $1.5m on DA sale!

Create a luxury 9 storey multi-residential development with strategic views.
A landlocked parcel of land was created when the Main Roads developed the Freeway, with no street access to Mount Street.
Prompt negotiations required with Main Roads and Council to achieve DA prior to Option expiring.
Successfully negotiated difficult street access with Main Roads within Option period.
Within a record 6 weeks achieved a DA, even having to go through the stringent process of the Design Advisory Committee prior to the full Council meeting.
By thorough investigation of the Parliament Precinct Height Restrictions, by skilful design were able to achieve an additional floor.
Once the DA was approved the clients attained a $1.5m uplift on the property – all within months from purchase.
16 Luxury Apartments